Charlie and I had another fun trip to Texas. He does pretty well in the car. It’s about a five hour drive that we squeeze into seven. The trip works best if we stop twice—about every two hours. He can be a little fussy when we get back on the road after stopping, but the hum of the highway settles him down. However, on the way back, he did wail for almost an hour after our second stop because we were stuck in a construction zone going a blinding 5 mph. Once we were back up to speed, he was fine.
On our visit this time, we got to see Aunt Pat, Uncle Bart, and Amy and the kiddos. We also saw Mamá and Papa, Charlie's great-grandparents. We also saw Aunt Mary and Uncle Gil. Charlie also stopped by Mom’s office where all of the ladies oooohed and aaawed over him.
We made our requisite visit to Casa Olé where I indulged in chips and green sauce. Charlie enjoyed some flour tortillas and rice while we were there. The other required stop is the DQ where I get a dipped cone. This time I went with a thin mint blizzard, though. I was not disappointed. Mom fed Charlie a little bit of hers. I guess it’s good to start him on DQ early.
In other food news, I have been craving TCBY for months. There are a couple in Tulsa, but that’s it for the entire state. I had looked online and saw that there was one in Greenville, but I couldn’t tell where it was located from the address. Anyway, fast forward to Charlie and I on our way home. I turned off the main highway in Greenville to find a place for us to eat, and what do I see…the TCBY! I just happened upon the main drag where we used to come to get Taco Bell and Schlotsky’s when I went to school in Commerce. Needless to say, before we got back on the road, I had a vanilla waffle cone with sprinkles. It was awesome.
I’m not sure why this entry is all about food. Anyway, other highlights of the trip just include lots of time spent playing, swimming, and crawling around on the floor. And that goes for Charlie, too.
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