Get out your scorecards everyone! Charlie now weighs 17 lbs. 7 oz. and is 25 ½ inches long. That makes his length between the 50th and 75th percentiles and his weight between the 75th and 90th percentiles. Again, I forgot his head measurement, or “hat size” as the nurse calls it. We had a good check up, with Charlie receiving more vaccinations.
I talked to the doctor about feeding. I figured that the doctor would want us to wait until six months to introduce solid foods (from things I’d read), but he said we could start now if we wanted. Charlie has good head control and has been interested in our food, so he might be ready. I’ll pick up some good ol’ rice cereal on my next grocery store trip.
Charlie continues to reach, grab, and hold on to objects. He also continues to take several afternoon naps and sleeps 8-10 hours at night. His new favorite thing is to ride around in his stroller, which we discovered over Easter, helps put him to sleep. He has also discovered his feet and plays with them constantly. And he loves to kick those little legs, especially when he wakes up not-so-happy.
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